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  独立文化贡献单位KAKOUSHI Indépendant将在秋风撩人的九月带来目前日本最先锋,最有影响力的三位年轻制作人Ametsub, Daisuke Tananbe 和 Yosi Horikawa来华巡演。

  9月22日晚在上海的MAO Livehouse,23日晚在北京dada俱乐部。

  三位制作人将分别上演他们独一无二的集合环境,实验,腾云驾雾的,也有俏皮可爱的生活小品般的电子音乐(Live Performance)和视觉(Live Visual)呈现。


  Daisuke Tananbe的音乐独特的融合着嘻哈, 电子, 爵士,以及民谣等元素。

  Yosi Horikawa是将实地录音(field recordings)融合到音乐中的声音创造者。


  KAKOUSHI Indépendant presents 2 nights of live experimental electronica from 3 of Japan's most influential,pioneering young producers: Ametsub, Daisuke Tananbe and Yosi Horikawa

  Expect everything from glitchy experimental DnB, ambients and field recordings to deep melodic techno. Sonically travelling through atmospheric, soundscapes and field recordings and jumping into the tight bass and melodic scratches of Ametsub, the stop start DnB experimentalism of Daisuke and Yosi Horikawa,Sound creator who incorporates field recordings into Music

  2017.9.22 Friday

  Shanghai @ Mao Livehouse

  2017.9.23 Saturday

  Beijing @ Dada

  *Each Show Support by Kenanjun (DJ)





  去年,他参加了sonar音乐节在冰岛雷克雅未克的演出,被评为音乐节第二天最好的一位。他也参加了日本Taicoclub音乐节和Boredoms, Nosaj Thing, Autechre等人同台,他还参加了旧金山的音乐节Priceless Festival / Gray Area 。

  2016年春,Ametsub在Falty DL (Ninja Tune)的厂牌Blueberry Recordings发行了EP"Sky Droppin' " 。参与了英国电子音乐厂牌Serein的十周年特别合辑。又一次在西班牙的音乐节 L.E.V. Festival十周年之际做了现场表演。新的EP"Mbira Lights 1EP"他使用了定制的非洲大型阿比拉琴,2017年7月在自己的厂牌Nothings66发行。顺着这个势头,他今年在欧洲的巡演去了阿姆斯特丹,柏林,布鲁塞尔和伦敦。Ametsub总是把自己和潮流趋势分离,他用这张概念EP证明了自己独特的视角。EP中有两个曲目分别得到了来自Seefeel (Warp Records)和 Austin Cesear (Opal Tapes, Proibito)超高水平混音。

  2009年他在自己厂牌发行的专辑"The Nothings of The North"现在依然在另类电子音乐的暗流中持续获得广泛关注和好评。这张专辑被坂本龙一评为2009年最佳唱片,也因此在电子音乐圈树立了很特别的地位。去年他受坂本龙一的邀请一起在野田神社做了即兴演奏和迷雾装置。瑞典的电子乐队Yello的成员Boris Blank也选了Ametsub的这张专辑进入他最喜欢的电子音乐唱片发表在FACT杂志上。他还和真锅大度(Daito Manabe)在SonarSound Tokyo和越南河内的HanoiSoundStuff Festival一起合作表演。在日本他也和Plaid, Actress, Tim Hecker, Floating Points, Bonobo,Loscil, Matmos 等海外艺人同台演出。他给美国电子音乐人Tycho(Ghostly)的名曲《Awake》做了混音版本。除了日本国内,他在世界各地都有活跃的表现:比如冰岛雷克雅未克的CaffeLaugavegur 22,各大音乐节日像是:L.E.V. Festival (西班牙), FLUSSI Festival (意大利) 和RyoichiKurokawa/Raime一起, STROMFestival (丹麦) 和Sherwood&Pinch/ItalTek, MindCamp Festival (荷兰) withKettel/Arovane一起, MiRA Festival (西班牙)和Actress/Lone 一起,以及乌克兰的 Autumn Solvent. 他的另一张《All is Silence》在世界上也得到了巨大的反响。一连串飘荡的旋律,似乎在提醒着无尽的旅程。声音像一个壮丽的自然景观。庄严的地平线,寂静的晚上,旧磁带里飘来的老回忆和雪景里的混响声。他强大的个性和宽阔的音景,吸引了世界各地的乐迷。

  Ametsub is making music based in Tokyo. He is also a backpacker who loves polar exploration, Icyland / Arctic Circle.Last year, he played at Sonar Reykjavik / Iceland, it was chosen as one of best moments of second days. And he played at Taicoclub Festivalin japan. Line-up with Boredoms, Nosaj Thing, Autechre etc. Also he played at Priceless Festival / Gray Area in San Francisco.

  In 2016 Spring,Ametsub released "Sky Droppin' EP" from Blueberry Recordings run by Falty DL (Ninja Tune). And he joined UK ’ s electroniclabel Serein 10th anniversary compilation. He played live at L.E.V. Festival 10th Anniversary 2016 in Spain again. New EP "Mbira Lights 1EP" which is featuring his new musical instrument Array Mbira (custom made) will be released in July 2017. With the momentum of his recentEU tour 2017 featuring shows in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels and London, Ametsub has always separated himself from the trend, and he’sgoing to prove his unique vision once again with this concept EP. It’s completed with 2 superb remixes from Seefeel (Warp Records)and Austin Cesear (Opal Tapes, Proibito).

  The album "The Nothings of The North" continues to grow acclaim in the undercurrent of the alternative electronic music scene. It waschosen as Best Disk in 2009 of Ryuichi Sakamoto and built a firm unique position in the scene. Last year, he was suggested from RyuichiSakamoto, and they did improvisation session with the installation of fog at Noda-shrine. Yello's Boris Blank also picked up Ametsub album on his "10 Favorite Electronic Records" in FACT Magazine. In SonarSound Tokyo and HanoiSoundStuff Festival Vietnam, he played show with Daito Manabe. In Japan he has supported for oversea artist’s in japan. Such as Plaid, Actress, Tim Hecker, Floating Points, Bonobo,Loscil, Matmos etc. And he has remixed Awake of Tycho(Ghostly). He performs activity also outside Japan across a border. He played at CaffeLaugavegur 22 Reykjavik in Iceland. He appeared on lot of big festival of the world. L.E.V. Festival (Spain), FLUSSI Festival (Italy) withRyoichiKurokawa/Raime, STROMFestival (Denmark) withSherwood&Pinch/ItalTek, MindCamp Festival (Netherlands) withKettel/Arovane, MiRA Festival (Spain) with Actress/Lone and Autumn Solvent (Ukraine).His newest Album "All is Silence" was released in 2012. It also has gotten massive response in world. A succession of feeling of floating driftingmelodies that seems to remind an endless trip. The sound-scape like a spectacular nature, the solemn horizon of landscape, the silence of theevening, fluttering reminiscence in the old tape, the sound of reverb from snow landscape. His enormous individuality and wide strongsoundscape widen a fan all over the world


  Daisuke Tanabe

  Daisuke Tanabe是来自日本千叶的电子音乐家,制作人。


  2006年在他住在伦敦的时候,发行的第一张EP“Gas” 得到了DJ Gilles Peterson的关注。

  随后他继续独特的融合着嘻哈, 电子, 爵士,以及民谣等元素,不断发表EP和单曲。

  而在2010年他终于在CIRCULATIONS旗下发行了首张专辑“before I Forget” 。

  2014年发行的第二张专辑“Floating Underwater”清晰的表现了他复杂又精细的制作水平。之后他不断地在日本,亚洲和欧洲各地表演。



  Daisuke Tanabe is an electronic musician and a producer based in Chiba, Japan

  He was an art student and originally came from a techno/breakbeat background before developing the unique experimental compositions he's become known for.While living in London, he released a debut EP “Gas” in 2006 which brought him to the attention of DJs like Gilles Peterson and many other.

  He continued to develop his unusual mix of hip-hop, electronica, jazz, and folk through various EPs and singles. In 2010 his debut album “before I Forget” which was released from CIRCULATIONS.

  2nd album “Floating Underwater” was released in 2014 which clearly shows his intricately detailed production.

  He has been touring and performing not only in Japan but also in Asia/EU.

  Also known as one half of Kidsuke, alongside with Kidkanevil, UK producer, since 2012.


  Yosi Horikawa



  2009年首张EP“Touch”在法国厂牌Eklektik Records发行(2013年又再版发行)

  2011年,他参加了马德里的红牛音乐学院,与Dorian Concept, Anenon 和 Jesse Boykins III一起合作音乐项目 ,也得到了BBC Radio 1的Benji B.对他独特的作品的赞赏。

  2012年的EP“Wandering” 在伦敦的First Word Records发行,然后得到DJ Food, XLR8R 媒体的赞赏。

  2013年继续在First Word Records发行了首张专辑“Vapor” ,得到了广泛的好评。被The Japan Times, Fact Magazine等媒体评为 “2013年最好的专辑”这张专辑发行之后,他参加了许多世界级的音乐节和音乐项目像是Glastonbury, Sónar, Mutek, Dimensions, Boiler Room, LOW END THEORY等等。

  2015年他被邀请参加了Gilles Peterson在法国的Sete组织举办的的Worldwide Festival,他在一个特别的叫做JAPAN NIGHT的舞台表演。就在那时他和Daisuke Tanabe与日本基金会合作制作了在实地田野录音的曲子叫做“Song for Remy” 。这是一首为了纪念Radio Nova的已逝电台主持人Rémy Kolpa Kopoul。

  2016年这一曲在Gilles Peterson的厂牌Brownswood Recordings发行。



  也被邀请给Any Tokyo艺术节,国家新兴科学与创新博物馆,还有很多其他的展览等做原创音乐。

  2014年红牛音乐学院给他拍摄了第一本展现他对独特的新声音的追求并广受赞扬的纪录片“Layered Memories”。同时他也作为声音设计师和日本顶尖建筑设计师隈研吾先生一起工作,还为意大利皮具品牌Furla制作音乐。


  Yosi Horikawa

  Sound creator who incorporates field recordings into Music

  Debut EP “Touch” was released on French label Eklektik Records in 2009 (re-released in 2013).

  In 2011, he participated Red Bull Music Academy in Madrid and collaborated with the likes of Dorian Concept, Anenon and Jesse Boykins III as well as receiving further praise for his truly unique productions from the likes of BBC Radio 1’s Benji B.

  In 2012, “Wandering” EP was released from London’s First Word Records and received worldwide acclaim from the likes of DJ Food, XLR8R and more. Debut album “Vapor” was released in 2013 on First Word and got praises as Best album 2013 by The Japan Times, Fact Magazine etc. After releasing the album, he joined many of world class festivals, projects, like: Glastonbury, Sónar, Mutek, Dimensions, Boiler Room, LOW END THEORY,etc.

  In 2015 he was invited to Gilles Peterson’s Worldwide Festival in Sete, France and performed on the special stage called JAPAN NIGHT. On the occasion he produced a track from locally field recorded sounds which was collaboration project for the Japan Foundation with Daisuke Tanabe. The track was named as “Song for Remy,”which was dedicated to Rémy Kolpa Kopoul from Radio Nova by Gilles Peterson, and released from Brownswood Recordings in 2016.

  Yosi’s work ranges widely. He produced jingles and theme song for J-WAVE, Tokyo’s No.1 FM station,was invited to Art Festivals like Any Tokyo and museums such as National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation to produce original music for exhibitions. In 2014 RBMA produced his first ever documentary film “Layered Memories”which shows his quest for unique new sounds which was highly acclaimed.

  Also works as a sound engineer/producer for Kengo Kuma, Japanese top architect, as well as Furla, Italian Leather Brand.

  “Everyday sound is a potential sound source”


  KAKOUSHI Indépendant指的是那些優雅,可是詭異的奇人異士。


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  18917564715 (wechat)

  MAO Livehouse

这就是MAO Livehouse!

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